Team Empower. News from the telegram room.

1. Admin is an active participant so members can
see what is going on.

2. Official launch is supposed to be on Thursday
but will see.

3. From the telegram room per admin:

In team build adding rotator as well as
whoever upgrade on his turne he will get two.

4. I suggested adding a company forced feeder,
3 x 1, 25 tron per position, next in line stats for
feeder. When member cycles, they would get
a position in the bronze line and s.ponsor would
get 15 tron.

He said he would consider it.

You should at least register before official launch.

Upgrade with 60 tron (approx. $8.) if you can.

Otherwise, wait for a pif when I have the funds.

New 468 x 60 banner has been added, replacing
the old fuzzy one.

As long as admin is an active participant in the
telegram room and doesn’t mute it as other
admins have done, this program should do well.

Any questions, drop me a line or give me a call.

Carl Goodnight

Carl Goodnight recommends,little guy,traffic

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