A $100 Crypto Grant For 10 Smart People
Hello [fname] ,

I trust all is well with you.

If you ever heard the phrase "put your money
where your mouth is" I am about to do just that!

I am so impressed with a unique smart contract
I have been involved with since october I am
going to give 10 people $100 to deposit into
the contract.

The account will pay you hourly, 7 days per week
until you receive $120% in return!

You're next question should be, why is this guy
doing this, right?

Here is my answer:

1) I get paid every time you make a deposit and I also earn
a commission of the total amount you get paid.

2) Since this venture has a no sponsoring matrix
that pays everyone off everyone below them even if they
never refer anyone, your deposit will bless a number
of those I referred before you with an instant commission!

3) I am a true believe in the power of giving. I believe
if you help enough people get what they want you will untimately
get what you want! Who doesn't want a stable reliable
passive income stream?

A little about the venture:

1) Stable crypto profits paid daily 7 days per week PLUS
passive income through a 5 x 5 no sponsoring matrix!

2) The contract is currently in the top 100
in the world according to Dapp Radar for BNB Chain
smart Contracts.

3) No worrying about the crypto market dropping or
losing value of your deposit because all funds are deposited
in BUSD and the price is stable at $1.00.

How to qualify:

There will only be 10 Grants offered this month.
Three have already been claimed and those recipients
are now receiving passive income hourly 7 days per week!

1) You must have metamask on Google Chrome WITH the
Binance Smart Chain Network. If you have Metamask
but do not have the Binance Smart Chain simply go
to step 2 on the link I am about to share and add

2) You must subscribe to the team list on the page below
and then send me an email letting me know that you
have everything and which of the two options
below you would like to proceed with.

How it works:

There are TWO options to receive this grant.

1) You join the program using the link below
send me your wallet address. I verify it as linked
to me and I will send you $100 BUSD plus $5 in BNB
to cover the transaction fees.

2) I create a new wallet for you, I fund it with
$100 in BUSD plus $5 in BNB to cover the fees.
I will then enroll that wallet on the site linked
to me and email you the private key to import the
wallet into your metamask so you have 100% control.

I will send you a video on how to import the new
wallet into your metamask, takes about 1 minute to do.

I will then delete that wallet and key from my files.

It's that simple. No strings, no catches no gotchas!

Check out the program using the link associated with this

Get back to me with any questions or if you need
any assistance.

Have A Blessed Day
Owen Victor Brown III
3 John II

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