The train has left the station. Were you on it?

Daily Sub launched on Wednesday, Dec. 21, at 7 pm Est.

Right on schedule.

I said I would pif all of my downline, even if they
deposited funds and purchased positions for themselves.

Several members deposited funds and purchased positions.

All 46 of my downline members got a pif into the feeder.

Never too late to get in and have some fun.

1. Register.

2. Deposit funds if you want. You will get a pif
into the feeder no matter what you decide.

Here are a few strategy tips, to help build
your business and to generate consistent
cycling revenue:

A. Build up to 10 feeder positions as your
funds allow.

Whenever you generate at least $2., purchase
a feeder.

B. When you cycle a feeder position, purchase
another feeder.

There are no re-entries for feeder cycling.

You want to keep 10 active feeders running
thru the system at all times, once you reach
that level.

Long term goal: Generating revenue from
2 feeder lines and 4 sub lines all at the same

C. You can do all this with no referrals and
even if you started with a simple $2. feeder.

D. Any member who remains f.ree for 5
days goes into the global pool, so check
it often.

You might get lucky as you become their sponsor.

When you get the time, click on all the links on
the left so you can see all the features that no
other matrix program has.

All of which makes Daily Sub a powerful program.

Any questions, drop me a line or give me a call.

Carl Goodnight

Daily Sub,passive income programs,Carl Goodnight recommends,little guy,traffic

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