My C.ash 4 All has added a new revenue stream.
Its called Simple Blessings.
Mc4a has been around for 5 years.
They have paid out over $450,000.
Sub line 1 continues to cycle slowly but steadily.
Simple Blessings was added to create excitement
and to help members generate revenue faster.
Note: I have 100 referrals and manage over
20 accounts. I am not looking to manage
additional accounts. End Note.
If you want to register for Mc4a, click on
the link below.
Get 3 pifs into sub line 1.
On the main page, in the members area,
are all the details of Simple Blessings.
Currently in pre-launch, there are 5 phases
(full launch is Aug. 15).
Phase 1 is already closed.
If interested in getting a position in Simple
Blessings, you must be a member of Mc4a first.
Then you can submit the form to get up to
5 positions in Simple Blessings.
I put in for 3 positions but if you are
short on funds, you can get 1 position for $10.
Any questions, drop me a line or give me a call.
Carl Goodnight
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